6 key benefits of outsourcing software development

11 min read
October 4, 2024

Are you thinking about outsourcing development but you’re still not ready to take the plunge?

That’s understandable, it’s not a decision you should take lightly.

But, outsourcing software development comes with a lot of benefits you should know about.

Here, we’ll discuss the 6 key benefits of outsourcing software development and how it can help your business.

Let’s dive in!

What is software development outsourcing?

Software development outsourcing is when you hire an external company or team to manage your software development tasks and projects.

This includes everything from temporarily contracting a few freelancers to help out your in-house team to fully outsourced software product development.

It’s a massive market, too.

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The global software outsourcing market is valued at $585.5 billion in 2024 and is expected to grow to a staggering $897.9 billion in value by 2031.

Of course, this is no surprise since some of the biggest players in the game like Google and Facebook outsource their development efforts.

But, as great as outsourcing is (and we mean it!), it isn’t always the right choice.

Next, we’ll discuss when and why you should outsource development.

When should you outsource development?

So, how can you tell if outsourcing software development is the right choice for your business?

Here’s when you should consider outsourcing:

  • You’re on a tight budget – if you have a limited budget, outsourcing development will help you save substantially lower development costs
  • You need access to specialized skills – if you need talent with specialized skills, outsourcing development will help you find and hire them much more easily
  • You want to get your product to market faster – if you need to get your product on the market quickly, outsourcing its development is your best bet
  • You need to quickly scale your team – outsourcing is the quickest and cheapest way to quickly scale your in-house team to meet new demand
  • You’re facing a shortage of local talent – if you can’t find the right talent in your local area, outsourcing development will give you access to a global talent pool

And that’s just scratching the surface.

But, outsourcing isn’t always the right choice.

For example, if you’re building a product that handles sensitive data, like financial or healthcare information, or you need full control over development, outsourcing might not be the right fit.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can’t outsource – you just need to be really picky about the software development company you partner with.

6 benefits of outsourcing software development

Now, we’ll dive into the top benefits of outsourcing software development and discuss them in more detail.

Lower development costs

When you think about outsourcing, the first thing that comes to mind are cost savings.

And for a good reason, too.

Outsourcing software development can cut your development costs by up to 53%, according to a study by Existek:

In-house vs outsourcing development cost

In fact, cost reduction is the main reason why companies outsource development.

According to Deloitte’s survey of business leaders, 70% of them named cost as the key reason why they outsource:

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There’s a few reasons why outsourcing reduces costs, like:

  • Lower training and onboarding costs
  • Reduced administrative overhead
  • No long-term employment commitments
  • Lower infrastructure costs

But, by far the most important reason why outsourcing is cheaper is lower labor costs and hourly rates.

For reference, here’s a comparison of the average hourly development rates by role and region:

Average hourly development rates by role and region

RegionSoftware developerSolution architectUX/UI designerProject manager
Western Europe$120-150$150-200$90-130$110-160
Central Europe$40-55$60-80$35-50$45-65
Eastern Europe$30-50$45-65$25-40$30-55
North America$100-150$120-200$80-120$90-140
Latin America$25-50$40-70$20-40$30-55

So, if you’re based in Western Europe or North America and you outsource development offshore to Asia, you’ll pay up to 5x lower hourly rates.

If you do the math for a whole development team, the savings quickly add up.

And that’s why outsourcing is a good call.

How lower development costs benefit your business

  • Financial flexibility – if you lower development costs, you’ll be able to invest more in other key areas like brand strategy, marketing, and business development
  • Lower administrative overhead – when you outsource development, you’ll reduce your administrative overhead and expenses
  • Improved profit margins – spending less on development will improve your profit margins, which is especially important if you’re a startup or small business

Access to a global talent pool

Finding the right talent to hire is tricky at the best of times.

And it’s especially difficult if you’re limited by geography.

But, when you outsource development, you get access to a huge global talent pool.

Number of software engineers 2020-2024

And since the IT skills gap will only continue to grow in the future, finding the right talent will be even more difficult.

That’s where outsourcing comes in.

It’s the best option if you’re struggling to find experts in your local area, like:

  • AI engineers
  • Cloud engineers
  • Cybersecurity engineers
  • Data scientists
  • Subject matter experts (SMEs)

But, there’s another underrated benefit to hiring experts from around the globe – increased cognitive diversity.

Here’s a few benefits you get from better cognitive diversity in your business:

Benefits of cognitive diversity

And research backs this up, too.

A Harvard Business Review study found that cognitively diverse teams solve problems faster and adapt better to change.

And that’s a pretty good reason to outsource development.

How access to a global talent pool benefits your business

  • Access to diverse skills – when you outsource development, you get access to experts with specialized, diverse skills that are hard to find locally
  • Faster hiring process – when you’re not limited to your local area, you can more quickly find talent that’s the right fit for your project which speeds up the hiring process
  • Greater flexibility – having access to a global pool of talent means you can be flexible in choosing the best talent for specific project needsbusiness

Faster development and time-to-market

When you outsource development to the right company, one major benefit you get is faster development.

And that means you’ll get your product to market faster.

But, why is this so important?

If you get to market faster, you’ll generate higher revenues and profits – at a similar cost to taking longer to get to market.

And on top of that, with a shorter time-to-market, you also get an edge over your competitors.

Shorter time to market

So, a shorter time-to-market is a no-brainer – but, how does outsourcing development help speed it up?

For starters, it’s much faster to hire an outsourced team than it is to build an in-house team from scratch.

Hiring, onboarding, and training an in-house development team could take months (and cost a fortune) while hiring an outsourced team takes only a couple of weeks.

Also, the best software development companies will have high-caliber developers and use Agile methodologies like Scrum, which will speed up development, too.


Scrum’s iterative approach not only helps them work faster but also makes it easier for them to pivot mid-development.

And that’s key to successful development.

How faster development and time-to-market benefit your business

  • Competitive advantage – faster development and time-to-market allow you to enter the market faster and get an edge over your competitors
  • Earlier revenue generation – the sooner you get your product to market, the faster you’ll start generating revenue and profits
  • Faster iteration – with the right outsourcing partner and faster development, you’ll be able to iterate and improve your product faster

Easy team scalability and flexibility

Scaling an in-house team is very difficult and time-consuming.

Just think about all the different steps you need to take: sourcing and screening candidates, paying for ads, setting up interviews, negotiating salaries, onboarding and so on.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

But, when you outsource development, you don’t have to deal with any of that.

Let’s say you’re a startup with a small core team and you want to start building your MVP.

Instead of wasting precious weeks or months on finding the right talent, you could just augment your team with the talent you need.

Extended team

And let’s imagine your product starts getting traction in the market and you need to quickly scale the team to keep up with demand.

You can very easily expand the extended team into a full dedicated team that will iterate and update your MVP.

Dedicated team

If you work with the same vendor, you can expand the team in days and they can start work immediately.

Also, if things take a turn and you need to scale down, you won’t suffer reputational damage from layoffs – you’ll just be scaling down your commitment to a vendor.

And that’s why outsourcing is a great choice.

How easy team scalability and flexibility benefit your business

  • More cost-effective – scaling an outsourced team up or down based on project needs is much cheaper and cost-effective than scaling an in-house team
  • Minimizes recruitment costs – when you hire a software development company, they handle recruiting and onboarding the talent, which minimizes your recruitment costs
  • Fewer disruptions – if you have a sudden increase in workload and need to onboard more developers, your outsourced team’s scalability and flexibility means you’ll face minimal disruptions

Access to domain knowledge and expertise

Another benefit of outsourcing development is that you get access to domain knowledge and expertise.

Of course, that’s only true if you hire the right vendor.

But, if you get it right, you’ll be working with a team that already has experience building similar products – and that expertise can mean the difference between success and failure.

Let’s say you have an IoT device and you want to build a companion app.

Vitastiq IoT

Finding and hiring a whole team of developers with experience in IoT app development would be very difficult and time-consuming

On the other hand, hiring a company that’s built IoT apps in the past is much, much easier.

And the best part?

They’ll have exactly the skills you’re looking for, will understand the risks involved, and will be able to build your product faster.

And you can’t beat that.

How domain knowledge and expertise benefit your business

  • Improved product quality – working with experts who have the specific, specialized skills you need means you’ll build a higher quality product
  • Reduces risk – a team with domain knowledge and expertise will be better at identifying and mitigating risks during development
  • Faster development – when you work with a team that has experience building similar products, they’ll be able to build your product faster

Lets you focus on your core business

Outsourcing development isn’t just a cost-cutting measure, but a strategic business decision.

That’s because when you outsource development, you’ll free up resources and you’ll be able to focus more on your core business.

And that’s especially important if your core business isn’t related to software development.

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Here’s a good example – you’re a retail company that wants to build a proprietary e-commerce platform.

Building it in-house from the ground up would break the bank and take up a lot of resources that could be better spent elsewhere.

If you outsource development, you’ll be able to focus more on:

  • Brand strategy
  • Sales and business development
  • Marketing
  • Customer service

In short, your team will get to spend more time on impactful tasks while development experts handle the technical side.

And that’s the recipe for successful software development.

How focusing on your core business benefits your business

  • Improved operational efficiency – focusing more on core business activities will help your business be more operationally efficient and productive
  • Increased profitability – outsourcing development will let you spend more time and resources on sales and marketing, which will improve your profitability
  • Prevents overextension of in-house resources – when you outsource development, your won’t overextend your resources and your core team can focus more on making your product better

Benefits of outsourcing software development: FAQs

The key benefits of outsourcing software development are:

  • Lower development costs
  • Access to a global talent pool
  • Faster development and time-to-market
  • Easy team scalability and flexibility
  • Access to domain knowledge and expertise
  • Lets you focus on your core business

The different software development outsourcing models are:

  • Location-based – onshore, nearshore, and offshore outsourcing
  • Relationship-based – team augmentation, dedicated team, project-based model
  • Contract-based – fixed price and time and materials

To pick the right software development outsourcing company, you need to:

  • Review their portfolio and expertise
  • Evaluate their tech stack
  • Check their reviews
  • Look into their pricing

Also, you should pay attention to:

  • Cultural and language compatibility
  • Their quality and expertise
  • Security and IP protection

Are you looking for a reliable outsourcing partner?

Are you looking for a reliable outsourcing partner but haven’t found the right fit yet?

Well, you’re in the right place.

We’re a full-service, high-caliber software development company and we pride ourselves on our rigorous QA standards and fast delivery, so you’ll be in capable hands.

We can handle all of your development needs, from building your product from scratch to regular maintenance and updates.

If you want to learn more, feel free to reach out and our team will be happy to discuss your specific requirements in more detail.

Written by

Marin Luetic

Chief Client Officer

A seasoned software engineering executive, Marin’s role combines his in-depth understanding of software engineering processes (particularly mobile) with product and business strategies. Humbly boasting 20+ years of international experience at the forefront of telecoms, Marin knows how to create and deliver state of the art software products to businesses of all sizes. Plus, his skills as a lifelong basketball player mean he can lead a team to victory. When he’s not hopping from meeting to meeting, you’ll find Marin listening to indie rock, or scouring the latest IT news.

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