Through workshops and modern research methods we’ll test your idea, make sure it fits the market and show you how to turn it into reality.

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Achieve product-market fit through product discovery with a team of dedicated experts — Let’s meet →

Here’s what we can do

Having an idea and having a good idea are 2 different things.
Product discovery helps in identifying the latter.

Validate your idea

Most ideas suck. We’ll make sure yours doesn’t by doing comprehensive discovery workshops and user interviews, along with analyzing your competitors. This way we’ll ensure your idea is thoroughly tested before you make hefty investments.

Understand your users

User is king. Through user testing and user research, we’ll learn what your users want and how they’ll use the app. All of this will amount to an overall better user experience. This is crucial to your software product’s success.

Develop efficiently

Planning makes perfect. Using thorough analysis, we’ll determine exactly which features are crucial to solve your users’ pain points. Only those features will be added to the MVP. This leads to focused development with a clearly defined roadmap.

Prevent costly mistakes

Mistakes cost money. Through discovery we’ll identify potential risks and issues before significant investments are made. That means you can use your resources more efficiently. All in all, product discovery leads to better decisions. Better decisions save money.

“We create value through a detailed process of discovery, definition and iteration to create the best possible foundation critical for the success of the software product”
Mario Zderic
Co-founder and COO

Our process

Product discovery tests and validates your idea which is critical for the success of your product. Through our 4-stage process, we’ll make sure all bases are covered. All in approx. 4-10 weeks. Check it out below:

01 Discover

Kickoff meeting

Stakeholder interviews

Project goals

Problem framing

Technical evaluation

Competitor & market analysis

User interviews

02 Ideate


Affinity mapping

User personas

Functionality prioritisation

User journeys

User flows

Process mapping


Technical solution proposition

03 Validate

User acceptance testing

Usability testing



04 Define

Project scope

Project roadmap

Budget estimation

Summary and key findings presentation

Pitch deck


Product discovery with a tech twist.

Our software architects will cover the part of discovery that many neglect. The feasibility part. It answers the questions: Can this be done? How can it be done? We’ll provide you with a tech stack, a list of 3rd party integrations, dependencies and we’ll mitigate all of the risks.

We made our own sucessful software product.

We’re not saying this to brag. All this means is we have experience creating a software product that attracts clients and has a steady source of income. If we could do it for ourselves, we can do it for you too. Check out Shake

Your DECODE team works for nobody else.

We completely immerse ourselves in your world, laser-focused on your goals. From the moment we start working together, we’re never distracted by other clients. It’s all about you.

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discovery marko
We’ve been doing product discovery for 11 years resulting in over 30 million app downloads for our clients.
Marko Strizic
Co-founder and CEO



All you need for a simple software product limited to either a mobile or web platform.


3 – 6 weeks


19.000 USD


Great choice for multi-platform products requiring more research.


6 – 10 weeks


27.000 USD


For multi-platform software product ideas with a set of many complex features.


10+ weeks


33.000+ USD


Our product discovery team consists of seasoned experts who’ll cover all of the angles your product needs to be successful.

  • Product manager
  • UX/UI designer
  • Solution architect
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Learn more about product discovery

Win customers over in a saturated market

Svjetlana Vukic, explains why understanding your buyer persona is important when developing a software product.

5 Key steps to product-market fit

Navigating the path to product-market fit can be quite challenging if you want to have a software product that’s going to stand out.

Davor Culjak points out the key areas that are crucial for developing a successful product.

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