If you are passionate about IT, especially mobile development, DECODE is the right place for your professional growth.
The Decode Blog
5 Benefits of becoming a DECODEr
Form.io in native android application
A step by step guide how to implement Form.io in a native Android app.
Out-Of-the-box mobile app solutions
Recognized as a top mobile development specialist.
Quality assurance vs. quality control
This article explains the main differences between quality assurance and quality control.
Why should clients embrace the time & material model?
Collaboration options between clients and software companies.
DECODE hack days – exit your comfort zone
Continuously improve your knowledge and skills.
Painless Java spring boot integration testing: testcontainers
Read why unit and integration tests become as necessary as working code itself, if not more.
Clutch recognizes DECODE as top Croatian development firm for 2019
Among Mobile Development Firms in Croatia
Porting android code to iOS: kotlin multiplatform
Reasons why you should consider Kotlin Multiplatform over 2objc and C++ in your next mobile app project.
DECODE is expanding to the Danish market
Denmark is reported to be the happiest country in the world. We decided to check that out!
DECODE provides value for clients
DECODE made its debut on Clutch, the world's leading B2B platform for software development
Taming the app flow with coordinators
And saying good-bye to the massive ViewControllers.