As you can see in the above picture, the average annual cost of bad data quality for companies is estimated to be $14.2 million.
And that’s without going into the cost of training and deploying an AI model.
That’s why you can’t ignore data quality when developing an AI app.
A good way to think about it is like mathematician Clive Humby said: “Data is the new oil. Like oil, data is valuable, but if unrefined it cannot really be used.”
If data is oil, then AI is a refinery.
It can extract information from raw data and turn it into usable knowledge.
But if the data is bad, the outcomes will be bad, too.
That’s why you need to make sure the data you use is cleaned and formatted correctly before you use it to train your AI model.
Tools like OpenRefine or Alteryx can help you clean up your data and format it correctly.
With UAT, you’ll see how your users actually interact with your app and the AI functionalities you’ve integrated.
You’ll also be able to spot and fix any issues before launch.
You should also set up a feedback loop with your users, which we’ll discuss in more detail later.
In any case, developing an AI app without adequate testing is a gamble.
It’ll potentially cost you a lot of money and can do serious damage to your brand’s reputation.
And it’s not worth the risk.
Neglecting scalability
Scalability is key to a successful software product.
It’s also important for the success of your AI app development.
If you neglect scalability, you’ll bottleneck your app’s growth and cripple a promising AI project.
Scaling your AI solutions will increase your revenue, too.
According to a joint study by IBM and Forrester, organizations that have scaled AI are 7 times more likely to be the fastest-growing organizations in their industry.
But planning for scalability isn’t easy.
It’s one of the major hurdles you’ll face when developing an AI app.
According to Statista, scaling up tops the list of challenges organizations face when integrating AI and machine learning models.
Snapchat’s number of daily active users rose from 187 million at the end of 2017 to 397 million in 2023 without major problems with stability and quality.
These figures show how impactful prioritizing scalability can be.
So, how can you make sure your AI app development prioritizes it, too?
A good place to start is designing your AI model to be modular.
With a modular design, you can easily add new features and functionalities without affecting the rest of your system.
And that makes scaling in the future easier.
Next, it’s a good idea to use cloud-based platforms to integrate your AI model.
With these tools, you’ll be able to quickly find and prioritize negative feedback.
This way, you can quickly solve any problems your users have with the AI in your app.
But, the most important thing is adopting an iterative approach to your app’s development.
Your engineers should use the feedback you’ve gathered in each development cycle.
If you do that, you’ll stay on top of your users’ changing needs and continuously improve your product.
Remember, setting up a feedback loop isn’t just a one-off task.
It should be a key part of a continuous product improvement process.
And it’s a great way to ensure the AI app you’ve developed stays relevant to your users.
Neglecting user experience
A good user experience (UX) is key to every app’s success.
If you neglect UX when developing your AI app, the risk of failure rises significantly.
That’s because your users care a lot about their experience when using your product.
The statistics back that up.
Research shows that 88% of users are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience.
And according to Emplifi, 86% of customers will leave a brand they trusted after only 2 bad experiences.
And your users talk more about negative experiences, too.
On average, they tell 9 people about a positive experience with a brand, but they tell 16 people about a negative experience.
That goes to show how much damage a single bad experience can do to your brand.
A great way to think about UX is this quote by Evan Williams, Twitter co-founder:
„User experience is everything. It always has been, but it’s still undervalued and underinvested in. If you don’t know user-centered design, study it. Hire people who know it. Obsess over it. Live and breathe it. Get your whole company on board.“
If you adopt this way of thinking when developing your AI app, you’ll increase its chances of success.
But, what are some practical tips to make sure you enhance your app’s UX?
First, make sure your AI functionalities’ design is user-centered.
You should take into consideration:
Ease of use
Like Martin LeBlanc, CEO of Iconfinder, said: „A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good.“
Also, you should use the feedback loop that you’ve set up to find ways to improve your AI app’s UX.
Using your users’ feedback proactively is key to making sure it keeps up with their needs.
Another good idea is encouraging cross-functional collaboration between your teams.
Your engineers developing your AI app should intensely collaborate with your UX designers.
This way, you’ll end up with an app that’s both user-friendly and technologically sound.
And that’s what AI app development is all about.
AI app development mistakes: conclusion
AI app development is a great way to improve your product.
But, you need to do it right.
And that means avoiding the most common mistakes organizations make when developing AI apps.
Ante is a true expert. Another graduate from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, he’s been a DECODEr from the very beginning. Ante is an experienced software engineer with an admirably wide knowledge of tech. But his superpower lies in iOS development, having gained valuable experience on projects in the fintech and telco industries.
Ante is a man of many hobbies, but his top three are fishing, hunting, and again, fishing. He is also the state champ in curling, and represents Croatia on the national team. Impressive, right?