muscles performance tracking







4 months


Mobile app development

Web app development

Quality assurance


1 Android developer

1 iOS developer

2 Backend developers


iOS – Swift

Android – Kotlin

Frontend – React

Backend – node js

While the client’s IoT device was top-grade, they still wanted to improve their companion app. Especially as their plans for future features required a more robust architecture and backend. That’s where we came in.

The challenge

The client sought to improve their app’s performance to enhance their customers’ experience.

Other than doing improvements on the app, our job was also to implement new features and designs in collaboration with the client’s designers.

The solution

We’ve put our best mobile, web, and backend developers on the job to figure out how they could improve the existing code and add new features to the app. All the while taking the IoT hardware and firmware frameworks into account.

Group 5205

Our impact

iOS app improvements

Our highest priority was to improve the performance of the app.

Our senior iOS engineers used all the tools at their disposal which resulted in a faster app, and smoother user experience.

Web app development

We’ve improved the existing user interface of the web app and the backend. This resulted in a faster performance and improved user experience.

New feature development

Although the app has already shown extensive data to users, we added to that. We created numerous charts and graphs in the app to reflect all of the data that can be useful to the user.

How we got there

We started working on the Android app first, but quickly switched to the iOS app as priorities changed.

Most of our work consisted of adding features to the app and improving its performance.

On top of that, our web developers worked tirelessly to improve the web app and give users useful data and a great experience.

As for communication, we’ve had meetings with the clients at least once a week, with regular communication happening on Slack.

Fintech product discovery
engineers working on edtech app


We’re proud to say that we’ve made a positive impact for the client

  • We enhanced the iOS app resulting in cleaner code and better performance
  • We improved the web app UI resulting in a better user experience.
  • We created new features resulting in more added value to the end user.

We loved working with a startup as passionate about tech as OroMuscles, and we’re looking forward to seeing their product reach new heights in the fitness world.


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Ivor Cindric

Arrange a chat with Ivor, our client strategy specialist.

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