Because you don’t say no to Google

It’s not every day you get asked to build an app that Google wants to put their name behind, so when you do you say yes!

emoji party hero image

Short summary




United Kingdom


2014 – 2015

It was December 2014 in snowy Zagreb when Miki Simudvarac, founder of Simvelop and organizer of world-famous droidcon conference, approached us. The guy is a legend in the Android world and his latest venture was to team up with Google to develop a game called Emoji Party for Chromecast. The game is a battle for points where speed and your combined knowledge of movies and emojis is tested against your friends.

The challenge

He had already built a state-of-the-art Android version of the game and was now looking for an iOS team. He had heard great things about DECODE and came to us as his very first inquiry.

The solution

He came to the right place as the game was delivered to the highest standard, in the required timeframe, and–most importantly–to the satisfaction of Google.

Usability, seamlessness, and cross-device support are what consumers are looking for, and we know how to deliver it.

emoji app
emoji game application
I hired DECODE in 2014 for a very important project with Google and have continued working with them ever since on various projects because they’re ridiculously efficient and reliable.
Miki Simudvarac
CEO at Troido →
DECODE is a dedicated team

How we set up our team and tools when we start working with a software company

This blog will describe which tools, processes, and practices we use here at DECODE, and how we approach new projects.


We can’t get enough of each other. As a result of this relationship we meet up with Miki for beers in Dusseldorf, Germany whenever possible.

Also, DECODE has now become one of leading sponsors of droidcon conference, our Android developers speak there and Miki has since hired us on several of his other projects.

decode game development
emoji party and decode

More case studies