DECODE made its debut on Clutch, the world's leading B2B platform for software development
The Decode Blog
DECODE provides value for clients
Taming the app flow with coordinators
And saying good-bye to the massive ViewControllers.
Short walk-through: implementing the MVVM-C pattern
You can just read about it or try to create a simple pp with us. We suggest the latter.
How to configure XIBs In MVVM architecture
There are different ways to create your Views: the good old option of creating them programmatically, using XIBs, or the latest Apple-provided format, Storyboard. There’s quite a lot of discord over what the best method is, and there is no universal answer.
MVVM architecture: a step-by-step guide
What a difference a ViewModel makes.
Rando DECODED: how to turn a random set of features into an app
Apparently, millennials are getting sick and tired of the carefully manicured social media profiles and are looking to shake things up. Make them more authentic, so to speak.
Quartz DECODED: revolutionizing media doesn’t cost an arm and a leg
The media has long been looking for ways to disrupt the industry, and they’ve tried on just about every channel there is: You can get your news via short videos on Instagram, as disappearing snaps on Snapchat or even via Viber.
Pocket DECODED: saving the internet, one article at a time
It’s been 9 years since Nathan Weiner’s Read It Later came to life as a Mozilla Firefox browser extension, a handy tool intended to be a TiVo for web content, or as The Verge once put it, a save button for the Internet.
WhatsApp DECODED: with a little “hack” here and there
Messaging apps — not that difficult to make with a little third-party help.
Etsy DECODED: the craft of creating an eCommerce platform
Hand-coded with love.
Airbnb DECODED: what are unicorns made of?
Spoiler: It’s not rainbow and glitter 🦄.