Android app development SERVICES

You need your app to be reliable, high-quality, and user-centered. Our team of experts will help you with that. We do custom Android app development for large enterprises and agile startups.

Android team lead explains how to adapt to enterprise-level projects

Working on enterprise-level projects is quite different from working on smaller projects. Codebase size, coding standards, documentation and many other factors all have to be taken more seriously, as enterprise-level projects have high standards.

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Why choose Android for your app?

The battle between iOS and Android is still raging. Here are a few reasons why you should choose to develop an Android app:

  • The Android market is enormous and has lots of potential
  • Flexibility in development
  • Open-source
  • Compatible with numerous devices
  • Extensive learning resources
  • Cost-effective

Why us  

We’ve been developing high-quality Android apps for 11 years.  Here’s why you should choose us for your Android app development needs:

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Exclusively yours

We completely immerse ourselves in your world, laser-focused on your goals. From the moment we start working together, we’re never distracted by other clients. It’s all about you.

Extreme transparency

Communication won’t be only through a project lead – you’ll be able to speak to every engineer working on your project.

Rigorous QA

Every line of code, every feature, every part of your product will go through our rigorous QA methods. That way, you’ll have a product your users can actually rely on.


Your software product needs more than software engineering. It needs a multi-disciplinary approach with various tech experts, project managers, QA engineers, and designers working together to create a complete product.

Working with DECODE is a pleasure. Their expertise on iOS and Android is excellent and as well as working well with my team they’ve also presented workshops on mobile development to help train up my less experienced engineers.
Richard Underwood
Director of Engineering at Metaswitch →

The Process — How we get you from day one to launch and beyond.



We help you through the very beginning of the Android app development process. You’ll get strategic advice and guidance on the direction of your app. If you don’t yet have a detailed plan, we’ll help you answer these essential questions and build a great foundation for your product:

  • What’s the product’s main goal?
  • How will you monetize it?
  • Who are your target customers?
  • What’s the budget?
  • What’s your time to market?

Answering these questions will set your Android app up for success.


App design

Wireframing, prototyping, UX and UI design, you name it. We’ll do it.

Mapping out exactly what needs to be built, understanding the entire user journey so we can craft a seamless experience. Planning makes perfect.


Android development and testing

To give you the best and most timely results, we use Agile methodologies such as SCRUM. We split work into sprints lasting two to four weeks. At the end of each one, we present our latest progress.

You always know what to expect and when we’ll deliver it. Working in cycles enables us to constantly fine-tune our workflow. We communicate with you daily and you get access to our project management tools.


You can read more about Scrum methodology and why it’s so effective.

How we use Scrum →


Maintenance and support

The launch of product version 1.0 is just the beginning. Our belief is that the real work begins after launch. We are a long-term partner and will therefore continue to build your product until you need us.

We’ll also help you release it smoothly, track its performance, run support and maintenance, and be on hand to continue its evolution so it stays indispensable.

new image Metaswitch

Making Unified Communications a functioning reality.

DECODE worked closely with Metaswitch’s in-house engineers to develop a seamless cross-device experience for iOS & Android.

View case study →

Tools of the Trade

We’re engineers so it’s not surprising we know how to get the most out of digital tools. Here’s a snapshot of what we use and why:

Slack logo

Slack for communication

Our favourite option for quick messaging, with channels and private groups to avoid information overload. We can use Microsoft Teams too if that’s better for you.

Jira logo

Jira and the Atlassian suite for collaboration

Jira is really robust for project management, and after using it for a long time, we know it inside out. We use Confluence for document management, alongside G-Suite apps, though happy to use alternatives like Asana, Trello or Microsoft Teams if they’re your choice.

GoogleMeet logo

Google Meet for calls

That’s how we like to chat, but happy to Zoom or jump on a Teams call too. What’s most important to us here is regular catch-ups – the more we talk the better we work together.

BitBucket logo

Bitbucket for code

It’s always stored in a Git repository, ideally hosted by Bitbucket, but just let us know if you’d prefer Github, your own Gitlab, or through Microsoft Teams. And of course, you can have access to the repository to track progress in real-time.

BitRise logo

Bitrise for continuous integration and deployment

It’s all about automation. We want to deliver web, mobile and backend applications at the touch of a button and Bitrise is our go-to here, alongside Jenkins, CircleCi and Bitbucket pipelines. Microsoft DevOps too, if needed.

Figma logo

Figma for design

Our preference over Sketch, with Zeplin providing the pixel-perfect bridge between designers and software developers. Figma handles our prototyping and wireframing too, though Invision is great for fast turnaround presentations.


Android studio





Charles Proxy












Rx Java


Project architecture

Rx Java

Let’s talk about your project

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Ivor Cindric

Arrange a chat with Ivor, our client strategy specialist.

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This video demonstrates exactly that:

Other examples include:

  • When Apple removed Fling’s app from the App Store, we jumped on a plane to London the very next day to work 72 hours, non-stop. As our CEO said at the time: “I couldn’t be prouder of the team for making Fling even better than before, especially under such pressure.”
  • We flew to Dusseldorf to present an app to the Vodafone tech team in person.
  • We’ve prioritized CVs for a new addition to a client’s in-house iOS team. DECODE’s engineers sorted through them, analyzed the code and suggested the best candidates for the interview.

As for our team, we have weekly dev Scrums, daily stand-ups, all the people are together in one office, and we actively use Slack, Skype, Google Hangouts, GitHub, Bitbucket and more…

Our developers are proficient in both languages, and they’re comfortable working with both.

Some of the most common errors in Android development that others do but we don’t:

  • Memory leaks by passing context to async tasks
  • Performing background work on the main thread, blocking the main thread
  • Developing UI without taking into account different screen dimensions and densities
  • Using view hierarchy that is too deep

Native apps, as the name suggests, are used to build apps for a specific platform – iOS or Android – and so the programming language used would differ based on the platform.

For native Android app development, developers program with languages such as Java or Kotlin. For native iOS app development, we have a choice of Swift or Objective-C. As the native apps are written for a specific platform, they are more responsive, faster, and perform better in terms of animations. Native apps are also preferred over cross-platform apps when data protection and security is crucial.

Cross-platform apps, also known as hybrid apps, are coded once and run on multiple platforms. We can use different technologies to develop hybrid apps like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, and Ionic to code the mobile app, using a browser supported technologies such as Html, CSS, JavaScript. Hybrid apps have their own advantages like a single code base, overall lower development cost, easy maintenance, and faster delivery.

Read more about this in our blog → 

We can provide you with any number of IT experts you need from our team of 70+ people.

Android app development insights

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