But, it’s not the same exact thing as software development.
To develop a software product, you also need to do:
Customer support
Market research
Product strategy and planning
So, it’s not just building working software – it’s building a product that can be successful in the market.
Top tips for software product development
Now, let’s discuss some top tips that will help you develop a successful software product.
Research your target audience first
If you want to develop a successful software product, it’s essential you research your target audience first.
In other words, if you want to know what to build, you need to know who you’re building it for.
Researching your target audience and finding out their needs is the most important step in market research.
Without it, you won’t get a product-market fit.
And that’s essential if you want your product to be successful like investor Marc Andreessen said:
„The only thing that matters is getting to product/market fit. Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.„
So, what’s the best way to research your target audience?
This way, you’ll get a deep understanding of your target audience and how your product can meet their needs.
And that’s how you build a software product that lasts.
Why researching your target audience first is important
Gets you to a product-market fit – researching your target audience will ensure that your product actually meets the needs of your users and market
Helps you prioritize features – engaging with your users will help you identify features that are important to them, which you should then prioritize
Reduces risk of failure – understanding your audience will help you build a product that actually resonates with them, increasing its chances of success
Prioritize user experience (UX)
Your users’ experience should be the main focus of your software product’s development.
And for a good reason, too.
A Forrester study showed that a good UX design can increase conversion rates by up to 400%.
So, it’s no surprise that for every $1 invested in UX you get a $100 in return – that’s an incredible ROI of 9,900%.
Once you’ve done that, you can start developing your product – we’ve written astep-by-step guide showing you how to do it.
Then comes the most important step – getting feedback on your MVP.
You’ll get a lot of valuable feedback you can use to iterate on your product and improve it.
And that’s how you can set it up for success.
Why building an MVP is important
Minimizes development costs – since you’re only building core features, you’ll develop your product much faster which will drive your costs down
Gets your product to market faster – with an MVP, you can enter your target market faster which is crucial if you’re in a very competitive market
Helps secure funding – if you’re a startup, an MVP shows investors that your product is viable and that can help you secure funding for further development
Use Agile methodologies
Using Agile methodologies when developing your software product is one of the best ways to build a quality product.
Implementing them allows you to be flexible during development and respond quickly to changing requirements.
And that flexibility is key to successful development.
So, what should your Agile teams look like? And which methodologies should you use?
They will help make your product scalable while also delivering good, consistent performance.
But, there’s a number of ways you can directly improve your software product’s performance, like:
Optimizing your product’s code
Updating third-party plugins
Limiting background processes
Compressing images and reducing file sizes
You should also invest in monitoring tools like Splunk or Nagios – they’ll help you quickly respond to any drops in performance.
And that’s key to delivering a consistently good experience to your users.
Why optimizing your product for performance is important
Improves UX – performance metrics like load times and responsiveness directly affect your product’s UX and if it’s not optimized, you might lose your users
Helps you get a competitive advantage – if you’re in a competitive market and your product has superior performance, you can stand out from the crowd
Supports scalability – when your product is optimized, it can scale much more easily which is essential for future growth
Implement continuous product discovery
We’ve already talked about how important researching your users is if you want to develop a successful software product.
But, it shouldn’t be just a one-time thing – you should consistently engage with your users.
But, what is continuous product discovery? And how should you do it?
Teresa Torres, author of Discovery Habits, defines it like this:
“At a minimum, weekly touchpoints with customers by the team building the product, where they’re conducting small research activities in pursuit of a desired product outcome.”
In other words, it’s the process of regularly researching your users to improve your product.
Here’s how it works:
With continuous discovery, you’ll be able to stay on top of your users’ needs and market trends.
Just make sure you use a mix of qualitative and quantitative user research methods for the best results.
A feedback loop will help you continuously collect, analyze, and act on your users’ feedback to improve your software product.
And that’s the secret behind building a successful product.
Why continuous product discovery is important
Helps you adapt to users’ evolving needs – continuous discovery is the best way you can stay on top of your users’ evolving needs and market trends
Minimizes wasted effort – with continuous discovery, you’ll know exactly which features/updates to add and won’t waste time and resources on features your users don’t want
Builds strong relationships with customers – being constantly in touch with your customers will help you build strong, long-term relationships with them
Rigorously test your product
When you’re developing your software product, excellent quality should be non-negotiable.
Poor software quality costs U.S. companies at least $2.42 trillionevery year.
Rigorous testing will help you avoid being caught up in that statistic – that’s why strict QA and testing protocols are an absolute must.
And you’ll get other benefits from testing, like:
So, how do you make sure your software product is thoroughly tested?
To start, you need to create a detailed testing strategy.
A detailed strategy will help your QA team work more efficiently and plan tests more efficiently.
Also, it’s a good idea to start testing early in your product’s development cycle.
Also, make sure your team uses a variety of testing methods like:
Unit testing
Integration testing
Load testing
Regression testing
This way, you’ll make sure your software product works properly before you launch it.
And that’s the best way to earn your users’ trust.
Why rigorously testing your product is important
Ensures quality and reliability – rigorous testing and QA ensures your product meets quality standards and works as intended
Reduces post-launch issues – fixing bugs and issues during testing will reduce the risk of post-launch issues, which are costlier to fix
Speeds up development – if you start testing early, you’ll catch issues before they become a major problem which speeds up your overall development process
Top tips for software product development: FAQs
Software product development is the process of building software that’s intended to be sold and marketed to customers.
The best tips for software product development are:
Research your target audience first
Prioritize user experience (UX)
Build an MVP
Use Agile methodologies
Optimize your product for performance
Implement continuous product discovery
Rigorously test your product
Building an MVP is important because it’s more cost-effective and will help you get your product to market faster.
You should use Scrum, Kanban, XP or Lean Software Development – pick the one that best suits your engineering team and your project requirements.
Need help building your software product?
Have a great idea for a software product but don’t know how to make it happen?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
We can help you build and grow your product from start to finish.
Ante is a true expert. Another graduate from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, he’s been a DECODEr from the very beginning. Ante is an experienced software engineer with an admirably wide knowledge of tech. But his superpower lies in iOS development, having gained valuable experience on projects in the fintech and telco industries.
Ante is a man of many hobbies, but his top three are fishing, hunting, and again, fishing. He is also the state champ in curling, and represents Croatia on the national team. Impressive, right?