50 software product ideas you should make in 2024

17 min read
February 26, 2024

In 2024, building a software product can be a great idea for your business.

And the software product market is only going to keep growing – it’s expected to reach a staggering $2.5 trillion by 2028. 

So, if you’re thinking about building your own software product but don’t know where to start, you’re in the right place.

Here, we bring you 50 software product ideas you should make in 2024.

Let’s dive in!

Remote work software products

Virtual co-working space

Gone are the days when remote work meant isolation. Platforms like Sococo and Tandem recreate the office environment digitally, allowing for spontaneous conversations, virtual coffee breaks, and a sense of community.

Sococo UI

Remote workers can feel disconnected from their team, highlighting the need for virtual spaces that recreate the office environment.

AI task management tool

Asana and Monday.com have integrated AI to predict task durations, suggest optimizations, and automate assignments. This isn’t just about staying organized; it’s about redefining efficiency for a distributed workforce.


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AI can significantly improve productivity by automating routine tasks – according to McKinsey, these productivity gains can increase corporate profits by up to $4.4 trillion annually. And AI task management tools are key to making that happen.

Real-time collaboration tool

With tools like Slack integrating real-time document collaboration features similar to Google Docs, back-and-forth emails are becoming obsolete. Teams can now brainstorm, edit, and finalize projects in a shared digital space.

With teams spread across the globe, real-time collaboration tools are essential. A Microsoft survey found that 85% of employees think collaboration tools are key for a successful digital transformation, so building one is a good idea.

Mental health app for remote workers

Apps like Headspace are crucial for remote workers, offering guided meditations and mindfulness exercises to combat the burnout and isolation that can accompany remote work. 


Workplaces that promote mental health are more likely to reduce absenteeism and improve productivity, making mental health apps for remote workers not just beneficial but necessary.

AI-powered software products

Personalized learning platforms

Platforms like Khan Academy and Coursera are using AI to create personalized learning journeys, making education more accessible, engaging, and effective for students of all ages and backgrounds.

Khan Academy

Personalized learning approaches boost student outcomes and engagement and with demand for e-learning growing, building a personalized learning platform is a great way to stand out in a crowded market.

AI for small businesses

AI isn’t just for the tech giants. 

Tools like Zoho and Salesforce Einstein put the power of AI in the hands of small business owners, automating administrative tasks and freeing up their time for more important tasks.

According to Accenture, AI could increase business profitability by an average of 38% by 2035, so making AI tools to help small businesses achieve that goal can be a lucrative investment.

Predictive analytics in healthcare

Predictive analytics tools like Epic Systems use data to forecast patient risks and outcomes, which enables preemptive care.

A study in the Journal of Health Economics showed that predictive analytics can reduce emergency department visits, showing how important a tool like this can be.

Custom AI music generator

AI products like AIVA can create personalized playlists that adapt to your mood, activity, or even the weather.


Spotify’s success with personalized playlists, which have dramatically increased user engagement, shows there’s demand for customized music experiences.

Green tech software products

Carbon footprint tracker for businesses

Software products like EcoChain and Normative help businesses quantify their environmental impact, giving them the insights they need to make more sustainable choices.


Sustainability is a must for any modern business. And with 66% of consumers willing to pay more for sustainable brands, carbon footprint trackers are a great way to help businesses become sustainable. 

Sustainable travel planning app

Travel apps like Green Traveller make it easy to plan eco-friendly trips, from carbon-offset flights to sustainable accommodations.

Sustainable travel is on the rise. Booking.com found that 72% of travelers believe people need to make more sustainable travel choices, which shows there’s market demand for eco-conscious travel apps.

Smart farming platform

Software products like BushelFarm and Granular are revolutionizing agriculture, using data analytics and IoT to optimize crop yield, reduce waste, and manage resources efficiently. 


Smart farming platforms are crucial because they can increase yields and help farmers make better decisions. And with the global population continuing to grow, that’s key to meeting the world’s food demands. 

Smart thermostats

Nest and Ecobee smart thermostats learn your habits and adjust your home’s temperature for optimal comfort and efficiency. 

Smart home technologies can save consumers up to 30% on their energy bills, making these products both eco-friendly and economical.

Fintech software products

Personal finance assistant

Apps like PocketGuard make managing finances a breeze. These digital assistants track spending, budgeting, and savings, making financial health accessible.


Financial literacy is a key concern, as only 57% of Americans feel confident about their finances – this shows why there’s a need for personal finance apps.

Cryptocurrency tax software 

Platforms like TurboTax Cryptocurrency and CoinTracker simplify the tracking and reporting of crypto transactions for tax purposes.

As cryptocurrency investment grows, managing taxation becomes more and more important. Cryptocurrency tax software products are essential to making that process transparent and easy.

Insurtech software product

Products like Lemonade and Oscar use AI and data analytics to offer personalized insurance policies. This means faster claims, transparent policies, and premiums for users.


75% of policyholders would switch to insurance providers that offer more personalized service, opening the door for insurtech products.

Investment simulator

For those looking to dip their toes into the investment world, simulators like Investopedia Simulator offer a risk-free environment to learn, practice, and perfect trading strategies.

Investment education is crucial for financial empowerment and building a risk-free simulator is a great way to get users interested in investing.

Health and wellness software products

Virtual health consultant

Telehealth platforms like Teladoc and Amwell are making it easier than ever to access healthcare professionals from the comfort of your home. This leap in accessibility is a boon for patients and a paradigm shift for the healthcare industry.

Telehealth is expanding healthcare access. The American Hospital Association notes that 76% of U.S. hospitals connect patients and consulting practitioners remotely, making virtual health a growing field.

Meditation and mindfulness app

Apps like Calm and Insight Timer are like a digital retreat, with guided meditations and mindfulness exercises to help users find their zen.

Insight Timer

The demand for mental wellness tools is increasing because of a significant rise in anxiety and depression, so your app can help alleviate those problems.

Diet and nutrition tracker

Nutrition apps like Nutrigenomix take personalization to the next level by tailoring diet plans based on genetic profiles. 

Personalized nutrition can significantly improve health outcomes, making these trackers more than just a trend.

Fitness challenge platform

MyFitnessPal and Strava turn fitness into a shared journey, with challenges and social features that make staying active fun and engaging.


Social features in fitness apps boost motivation, which shows that fitness challenge platforms can be successful in the market.

E-commerce and retail software products

Augmented reality (AR) shopping assistant

Apps like IKEA Kreativ and Sephora Virtual Artist allow customers to visualize products in their space or on themselves before making a purchase. It’s a fusion of convenience and innovation, reducing uncertainty and enhancing customer satisfaction.

With 40% of consumers willing to spend more on a product if they can try it through AR first, AR shopping assistants are the best way to meet that demand.

Personalized shopping experience software

Stitch Fix and Amazon use algorithms to recommend products that match individual tastes and preferences, making every shopping experience unique.

Amazon Personalize

A Twilio Segment survey showed that 60% of consumers are more likely to become repeat buyers after a personalized shopping experience, which highlights the value of personalization for e-commerce.

Dynamic pricing tool

Tools like Competera help small retailers adjust prices in real time based on market demand, competition, and inventory levels so they can stay competitive.

A McKinsey study shows that a 1% price increase turns into an 8.7% increase in operating profits, so building a dynamic pricing tool to sell to other businesses is a great investment.

IoT inventory management

Systems like Zebra Technologies provide real-time tracking and analytics, which help reduce waste and optimize stock levels.

Zebra Technologies IoT

And they’re already in use in many warehouses – according to a Zebra study, 77% of warehouses are planning to use mobile devices to manage inventory in 2024.

Content creation and discovery software products

AI content generator

AI platforms like Jasper and Copy.ai are changing content creation, generating everything from blog posts to ad copy in seconds. 

And as 52% of business leaders are already using AI content generation tools to improve their content marketing efforts, the demand for these tools is only going to increase in the future.

Automated video editing tool

Video editing software products like VEED and Adobe Premiere Rush use AI to automate repetitive tasks, which significantly speeds up video production.


And since videos increase the understanding of a product or service by 74%, automated editing tools are invaluable.

Virtual reality (VR) storytelling

Platforms like Oculus Story Studio offer immersive experiences that better engage audiences – they’re not just about watching a story. They’re about being part of it.

The VR market is booming and is expected to reach $165.91 billion by 2030, suggesting there’s a lot of opportunity for innovations in VR storytelling.

Podcast discovery platform

Podcast discovery platforms like Listen Notes and Podchaser help listeners find shows that best match their interests and preferences.


With over 2 million podcasts globally, podcast discovery platforms are a great opportunity to help users find their next favorite podcast.

Educational software products

Interactive e-learning platform

Interactive e-learning platforms like Kialo-Edu help make classrooms interactive and accessible from anywhere in the world for a collaborative learning experience.

With the global e-learning market expected to grow to $545.38 billion by 2030, building an interactive e-learning platform is a great opportunity.

Gamified learning app

Learning apps like Duolingo and Quizlet use gamification to turn language learning and other subjects into a game, boosting engagement and retention.


Gamification in education is a fast-growing market, expected to reach $2 billion in value by 2031, so developing a gamified learning app is a great way to meet that growing demand.

AR language learning

Imagine practicing restaurant vocabulary by ordering food in a virtual AR café – AR apps like MondlyAR bring language learning to life by immersing users in real-world scenarios.

Students retain 25-60% more material when learning online, and AR can help you get that even higher.

STEM apps and toys for kids

Toys and apps like Osmo and LEGO Boost teach coding, engineering, and science through play. These hands-on learning tools and apps promote creativity and problem-solving skills.


The number of STEM jobs is growing twice as fast as non-STEM careers, which shows just how important early STEM education is in today’s world.

Cybersecurity software products

Blockchain identity verification platform

Platforms like Civic offer foolproof identity verification through blockchain and give users control over their personal information.

With identity theft incidents on the rise, secure and accurate identity verification is an absolute must – and with blockchain, users can rest easy and be sure that their personal information is safe.

AI anti-phishing tool

AI-powered security solutions like Barracuda and IronScales help individuals and businesses fight phishing attacks by analyzing communication patterns and flagging suspicious activity.


Phishing remains a significant threat, as 94% of organizations suffered a phishing attack, which shows the need for advanced anti-phishing solutions.

Data privacy management platform

Platforms like OneTrust help users manage their online data with greater transparency and control, ensuring their personal information is protected.

The increasing concern over data privacy, amplified by GDPR and other regulations, shows the growing need for platforms that help manage and protect personal data.

Secure coding platform

SonarQube and Veracode make it easy for engineers to write safe code from the start by integrating security into the development process.


And since the average cost of a data breach is $4.35 million, building a secure coding platform is a great way to help businesses improve their security.

Social networking software products

Decentralized social network

Platforms like Mastodon and Bluesky challenge the centralized model of social media, offering users a decentralized alternative where privacy and data control are top priorities.

A Pew Research Center study found that 79% of Americans are concerned about how companies use their data – decentralized social networks solve those concerns.

AI-powered matchmaking app

Matchmaking apps like Hinge and OkCupid use AI to go beyond looks, focusing on personality, preferences, and values to suggest matches. 


Since 39% of couples meet online, there’s a strong market for matchmaking apps – and AI can help take them to the next level.

Virtual event platform

Hopin and Airmeet have changed the event industry, enabling large-scale virtual gatherings that mimic the experience of in-person events, from networking to live performances.

And they’re not just a passing fad, as the virtual events market is expected to grow to $262.52 billion by 2030.

Language translation app

Whether you’re traveling abroad or connecting with a friend from another country, language is no longer a barrier with instant translation apps like iTranslate and Google Translate


75% of consumers prefer to buy products in their native language, underscoring the need for instant translation apps that can help businesses meet that need.

Gaming and entertainment software products

Cloud gaming platform

Cloud gaming services like Boosteroid and NVIDIA GeForce Now allow users to play AAA titles on any device without needing expensive hardware.

Cloud gaming is a total game-changer for both the industry and gamers and can help companies reach a much wider audience without compromising quality.

Educational games

Prodigy and DragonBox are making learning fun by integrating educational content into engaging game experiences. 


A University of Colorado study found that students who used simulation games in learning had a 9% higher retention rate and scored 14% higher in skill-based assessments than those who learned via traditional methods, proving that educational games are a powerful learning tool.

Interactive live streaming platform

Live streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Live have evolved and now allow viewers to interact with streamers in real-time, in a dynamic form of entertainment that blurs the line between creator and audience.

And with 22.7% of global internet users using social media to watch live content, creating an interactive live streaming platform is a great way to get a slice of that pie.

Virtual escape room

Virtual escape rooms like Puzzle Break and Escape Room LA offer remote teams and groups of friends a unique way to collaborate and bond. They require teamwork, problem-solving, and creative thinking, making them perfect for team-building in a remote work environment. 

Puzzle Break virtual escape room

With the rise of remote work and digital gatherings, virtual escape rooms provide a unique opportunity for engagement, problem-solving, and fun in a remote setting.

Productivity and utility software products

Email management tool

AI-powered email management tools like Superhuman and SaneBox help users sort, prioritize, and even respond to emails – this makes sure they spend time on the messages that matter most.

According to McKinsey, professionals spend 28% of their work day reading and answering emails, and these tools can help them reclaim that valuable time. 

Automated home maintenance app

Apps like Centriq and HomeZada give homeowners a digital solution to manage home maintenance and improvement. From tracking warranties to scheduling repairs, these apps simplify home management.


source: HomeZada

The American Housing Survey reports that homeowners spend an average of $1,105 per year on maintenance, showing there’s a market for apps that can help manage and reduce these costs.

Time tracking tool

Tools like Toggl and Harvest offer intuitive time tracking and reporting features, helping freelancers stay on top of projects and bill accurately. 

Modern work is all about working smarter, not harder, and tools like these will help users manage workloads much easier.

Smart budgeting app

Family budgeting becomes a breeze with apps like YNAB (You Need A Budget) and Mvelopes, which help families track spending, save for goals, and manage finances together.

YNAB (You Need A Budget)

61% of Americans rely on apps like these to weather economic changes, showing that there’s a strong demand for budgeting apps that can help families manage their finances.

Travel software products

Eco-friendly travel guide

Apps like Fairtrip help travelers make sustainable choices, from eco-friendly accommodations to conservation-focused activities.

As eco-conscious travel becomes more and more important, eco-friendly travel guides are a great way to meet the needs of the modern traveler.

Local experience app

Airbnb Experiences and Withlocals connect travelers with local guides, offering them unique experiences that go beyond the usual tourist traps.


TripAdvisor reports that booking experiences are their second-largest revenue stream after hotel booking, which shows their huge appeal.

Travel safety app

Travel safety apps like Sitata provide real-time safety alerts, emergency service numbers, and location sharing, giving travelers peace of mind and keeping them safe.

A Global Rescue survey showed that 87% of travelers have safety concerns when traveling, which is why building a travel safety app is a good idea.

Language immersion app

Language immersion apps like Rosetta Stone and Babbel simulate real-life conversations and cultural nuances to help language learners master all the subtleties of the language they’re learning.


Language skills are important for professional success in the global economy, highlighting the need for language learning apps that offer immersive practice opportunities.

Health tech software products

Telehealth platforms for mental health

BetterHelp and Talkspace make mental health support more accessible, connecting users with therapists via text, voice, or video. It’s a significant step towards making mental health care universally available.

APA’s 2023 Stress in America survey shows a significant rise in stress in the post-pandemic period, stressing the need for accessible mental health care options.

Wearable tech for health monitoring

Wearable devices like Fitbit and Apple Watch are not just fitness trackers – they’re personal health monitors, tracking everything from heart rate to sleep patterns to help users make informed health choices.

Fitbit app

The global market for wearable medical devices is expected to reach nearly $69.2 billion by 2028, which shows the growing demand for wearable tech.

Nutrition planning apps

Apps like Nutrino use AI to recommend diets based on your health goals and dietary restrictions. It’s a tailored approach to nutrition that adjusts to each individual’s unique circumstances.

And with 42% of the global population being overweight or obese, there’s a clear need for personalized nutrition planning apps that can help people shed that extra weight.

Sleep improvement software product

Products like Sleep Cycle offer features like guided sleep meditations and tracking and analyzing sleep patterns – they are instrumental in highlighting the importance of sleep for overall well-being.

Sleep Cycle

54% of Americans report having sleep problems, showing the need for software products that can help improve sleep quality and overall well-being.

Need help building your software product?

In 2024, building a software product is a fantastic way to expand your business.

But, you need to do it right and that’s easier said than done.

That’s where we come in – if you need help turning your idea into reality, we can make it happen.

If you want to learn more, feel free to check out our blog and reach out to us.

Written by

Marko Strizic

Co-founder and CEO

Marko started DECODE with co-founders Peter and Mario, and a decade later, leads the company as CEO. His role is now almost entirely centred around business strategy, though his extensive background in software engineering makes sure he sees the future of the company from every angle. A graduate of the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, he’s fascinated by the architecture of mobile apps and reactive programming, and a strong believer in life-long learning. Always ready for action. Or an impromptu skiing trip.

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