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Unser Podcast-Kanal für alles rund um die Softwareentwicklung
Design agency founder details the best way to work with design teams | Ep. 6
On this episode we are joined by Avani Miriyala, an experienced digital product designer and founder of Matcha Design Labs, a UX and product design company based in Texas. Avani shares her expertise on the common pitfalls company founders encounter when collaborating with product designers.
28 min
A tech expert’s take on how to develop a software product | Ep. 5
Developing a software product can be difficult if you don’t have a technical background. Benjamin Huskic, a tech expert who is currently running The Quality Gate, an IT solutions company explains some of most common challenges when creating a software product.
45 min
Discover what angel investors seek in software startups | Ep. 4
Chris Piedmonte, an angel investor with over 30 years of experience in the software industry, shares his valuable insights about what angel investor are looking for when investing in a software startup.
45 min
Why software products fail | Ep. 3
We go over all the most important aspects to take care of when creating a software product. And what happens if you don’t.
36 min
Worst mistakes to avoid when building software | Ep. 2
Our CDO Ante Baus explains how to handle incidents during software development.
23 min
What makes a great software development team | Ep. 1
Setting up a team when developing a software product can be challenging. Our CEO, Marko Strizic, explains the essential roles needed to set up the perfect team.
33 min